Celebrating Klever’s decade, reflecting on 25 years of challenges, perseverance, and growth, transitioning leadership for a brighter future.

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It has been a remarkable week as we celebrate a decade since the inception of the company that laid the foundation for Klever. Personally, reflecting on the past 25 years, I recall the challenges of selling food door-to-door to make ends meet. It was a period of financial struggle and limited educational opportunities, prompting me to envision a different future for myself and my family.

Overcoming Adversity: The Journey to Success

At 15, strained by my stepfather, I chose to live independently with my younger brother, David, from the slums. I was introduced to computers at 16 in gaming houses, later honing repair skills through self-learning. Despite many obstacles, my dream of creating video games became possible when my uncle gifted me an old computer.

In the ’90s, my desire to code led me to Salvador-BA to pursue computer programming for better opportunities. Faced with financial constraints, I worked multiple jobs to sustain myself. From selling food door-to-door and farming, I became a programmer in 2006, then a software architect, entrepreneur, trader, and investor.

In 2008, struggling financially, a friend introduced me to “The Richest Man in Babylon” and “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” Applying the principles from these books, including saving 10% of my salary, proved transformative. Reducing my debts and investing that 10% in Bitcoin in 2012 set the stage for a significant financial shift.

The journey wasn’t without setbacks, notably losing all my money trading cryptocurrencies in 2017.

However, this setback fueled a determination to persevere, leading to the establishment of the precursors to Klever. Through hard work and support, Klever evolved into the revolutionary blockchain platform it is today, garnering recognition.

From 2018 to 2019, our engineering and deep learning focus built a strong team, launching Klever in 2020.

The Birth and Evolution of Klever

Between 2021 and 2022, I found myself navigating through the darkest chapters of my life. Losing my father, parting ways with my young brother, and going through a heart-wrenching divorce created a storm of emotions that seemed insurmountable. Yet, it’s in these moments of deep despair that I discovered the true power of friendship and partnership. With my friends’ and partners’ support, I overcame grief and turned the pain into a catalyst for growth.

In their embrace, I found resilience and forged a path toward becoming a better, more compassionate version of myself. This period marked a significant phase in my personal journey.

My vision for Klever is to establish a paradigm of unparalleled decentralization on a global scale, fostering a world where financial inclusivity transcends barriers for all. Envisage a realm where individuals enjoy unrestricted access to digital currencies, effortlessly employing them for any transaction.

However, realizing this vision required overcoming major challenges in managing a global remote team of over 200 people. After a decade of unwavering dedication, we emerged triumphant, achieving unparalleled productivity by the end of 2023. This success served as a testament to our confidence in navigating the correct trajectory, setting a benchmark for world-class management. Today, I am grateful for the support of many who contributed to my growth and Klever’s success.

Embracing Change: Leadership Transition and Future Vision

As we chart the course for Klever to become a global force reshaping the financial landscape, I acknowledge the imperative for a renewed leadership perspective. Consequently, I am gracefully stepping down from my role as Klever CEO and entrusting the reins to my partner, João Pedro Cruz Lima (JP).

Having played an integral role in Klever’s journey from its inception, JP holds my unwavering trust. Moreover, he possesses the essential experience, business acumen, commercial insight, and leadership prowess needed to steer Klever into a new era as its CEO..

As I reflect on this moment, it fills my heart with a mix of emotions as I conclude my leadership journey as CEO at Klever. However, my connection to Klever remains strong—I’ll continue as Board Chairman and an engaged community member. During this transition, my excited and sentimental soul pursues a lifelong dream: establishing a game studio. Additionally, I’m moved by the prospect of sharing the wealth of experience gathered over the years, offering guidance and knowledge to the public through teaching. The path ahead is both nostalgic and forward-looking, and I embrace it with a touch of heartfelt emotion.

To our incredible community, my dearest friends, cherished family, and the extraordinary Klever team, my heart overflows with gratitude. Moreover, I deeply appreciate the profound support you’ve woven into the fabric of these years. Indeed, your unwavering presence has been a source of strength and inspiration, shaping our collective journey with love and resilience. In moments both triumphant and challenging, you’ve stood by us, and for that, I am deeply moved and profoundly thankful. Each connection is a thread in the tapestry of our shared experiences, and I carry the warmth of your support with me always.

With gratitude and love,

“Your only limit is you!”

Dio Ianakiara