Top Companies Embracing Blockchain Technology

Explore how leading companies like Samsung, Tesla, JPMorgan, Walmart, and Roche are leveraging blockchain technology to revolutionize their operations. This article delves into the transformative role of blockchain across various industries, including healthcare, finance, supply chain management, and more. Discover how KleverChain and Roche’s collaboration with Hypertrust Patient Data Care are leading the blockchain revolution.

Klever Weekly update – 21 July 2023

Dive into Klever’s comprehensive weekly progress report, including updates to KleverChain, Klever Wallet,, and KleverSafe. Learn about our newest features and future goals as we continue to innovate and improve our platforms.

Types of Blockchain Technology

Uncover the magic of blockchain’s key components and explore public and private blockchains. Discover the transparency of public blockchains exemplified by Bitcoin and Ethereum, and the efficiency of private blockchains for specific industries. Don’t miss the emerging player, KleverChain, with ready-to-use apps for decentralized applications. Stay ahead in the evolving blockchain landscape and harness its potential.

Blockchain Technology – How Does It Work?

Discover the magic behind blockchain technology in our captivating guide, ‘How Blockchain Works.’ Journey through the five core pillars – decentralization, transparency, immutability, security, and consensus – that make blockchain a game-changer in the digital world. Unravel how these principles intertwine to create secure, robust systems revolutionizing industries.