how many and what types of blockchains are there

With the ever-growing number of blockchains, it can be overwhelming to understand which ones are leading the pack and why. Currently, there are over 1000 different blockchains, and this number is increasing every day. Moreover, each blockchain serves a unique purpose, offering different features and capabilities tailored to various use cases. So, this raises the question: how many and what types of blockchains are there that might be relevant to your interests or needs?

To provide a comprehensive perspective, we will explore the most popular blockchains from two perpectives: their popularity among developers and their total value locked (TVL). This will give us a clearer picture of the number of blockchains present in real life that are making a significant impact in the crypto space.

Top 20 Blockchain Platforms for Developers

  1. Klever Chain: A layer-1 blockchain that has smart contract features written directly into the native chain. Also, it provides pre-built and ready-to-use applications known as KApps (Klever Apps), which developers can utilize through function calls.

  2. Ethereum: A fully decentralized blockchain platform that supports smart contracts

  3. IBM Blockchain: A private, decentralized blockchain network for commercial clients.

  4. ConsenSys Quorum: A fully managed ledger service based on Ethereum.

  5. Hydrogen Molecule: An industry-specific blockchain development platform.

  6. Hyperledger Fabric: Enhances data privacy by isolating operations in channels or facilitating private data exchange.

  7. Ripple: Offers faster, more transparent, and more affordable solutions than traditional financial services.

  8. Stellar: An open network that provides speed, affordability, and utility.

  9. EOSIO: A fast and adaptable platform that supports scaling and provides various tools and resources for developers.

  10. Corda: Uses peer-to-peer distributed ledger technology but does not bundle several transactions into a block.

  11. Elements: Can operate as a sidechain as well as an independent blockchain.

  12. XDC Network: A hybrid blockchain capable of powering use cases and remaining adaptable to suit the needs of an evolving industry.

  13. Tezos: Supports decentralized apps, smart contracts, and unique financial instruments like NFTs.

  14. Hyperledger Sawtooth: Enables “trusted computing environments” of program code to run in secure enclaves and secured regions of computer memory.

  15. Hedera Hashgraph: A distributed ledger system that uses a hashgraph technique.

  16. Hyperledger Iroha: Designed to be straightforward and easy to integrate into infrastructure or Internet of Things applications.

  17. Dragonchain: Offers developer-friendly connectors and apps that are fit for the workplace.

  18. OpenChain: An open-source blockchain platform designed to maintain digital assets in a scalable, secure, and also, resilient way.

  19. NEO: Aims to completely digitize assets and identities using smart contracts.

  20. TRON: A blockchain-based operating system for users to primarily swap media assets and create decentralized apps.

Each platform offers unique features and capabilities, making them suitable for different types of blockchain development projects. For instance, Ethereum is known for its smart contract functionality. KleverChain, on the other hand, stands out for its pre-built applications (KApps) and a focus on ease of use for developers.

Types of blockchains

Top 20 Blockchains by Total Value Locked (TVL)

A high TVL suggests high trust and engagement within the blockchain’s ecosystem. According to CoinMarketCap, here are the Top 20 Blockchains by TVL of 2023.

  1. Ethereum ($ETH)

  2. Tron ($TRON)

  3. Binance Smart Chain ($BNB)

  4. Arbitrum ($ARB)

  5. Polygon ($MATIC)

  6. Avalanche ($AVAX)

  7. Optimism ($OP)

  8. Solana ($SOL)

  9. Mixin ($XIN)

  10. Cronos ($CRO)

  11. Kava ($KAVA)

  12. Klaytn ($KLAY)

  13. Cardano ($ADA)

  14. Bitcoin ($BTC)

  15. Gnosis ($GNO)

  16. Fusion ($FSN)

  17. Acala ($ACA)

  18. zkSync Era

  19. Fantom ($FTM)

  20.  Algorand ($ALGO)

Each blockchain has unique features and capabilities, making them suitable for blockchain development projects. Blockchains like Solana stand out for their high throughput and low fees, making them ideal for DeFi applications and NFTs. Meanwhile, Cardano is gaining attention for its rigorous, academic approach to blockchain development and its focus on sustainability.

Having explored the top 20 blockchains by TVL, it’s clear that these platforms have made significant strides in attracting capital and fostering robust ecosystems. However, the story doesn’t end there. The blockchain universe is vast and diverse, with different platforms catering to various needs and use cases. So, this brings us back to the question: how many blockchains could be relevant to your needs?

Blockchain Architecture: Understanding Blockchain Types and Layers

blockchain Architecture

The lists above show that the blockchain universe is not limited to cryptocurrencies alone. It also includes private solutions tailored to specific business needs. To better understand how many blockchains are there, it’s essential to know the different types of blockchains and the concept of blockchain layers.

Blockchain technology can be grouped into four types:

Public Blockchain: Open to anyone, public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum allow decentralized transactions but can suffer from scalability issues and slower speeds due to increasing nodes.

Private Blockchain: These permissioned blockchains operate in a closed network, managed by a specific organization. Therefore, they are ideal for companies needing a private blockchain for particular use cases, offering faster speeds and better scalability. For example IBM Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric.

Consortium Blockchain: Multiple organizations control these blockchains. They retain decentralization, offer enhanced scalability and security, and operate more efficiently than public ones.

Hybrid Blockchain: Combining features of both public and private blockchains, hybrid blockchains keep transactions private but verifiable when needed, such as through a smart contract. They are a versatile solution for organizations needing both privacy and transparency.

In addition to these types of blockchain, it’s also essential to understand the concept of blockchain layers.

Blockchain Layers

Layer 1 refers to the main blockchain network, which forms the foundational layer of a blockchain system, that is to say, it includes the protocol that defines the network’s operation rules. Examples of Layer 1 solutions include Bitcoin, Ethereum and Klever Chain.

Layer 2 solutions are built on top of the Layer 1 network to improve scalability and transaction speed. They help to solve some of the challenges faced by Layer 1 blockchains, such as high transaction costs and slow processing times. For example Lightning Network for Bitcoin and Plasma for Ethereum.

Understanding different blockchains and their layers helps in choosing the right platform for developers, businesses, or individuals. In conclusion, the blockchain landscape is vast and expanding, offering solutions for varied needs. So, start exploring with KleverChain to find the ideal blockchain solution. The future of technology is on the blockchain—explore, learn, and grow today!