Discover Klever Wallet’s new features, which increase quality and security in cryptocurrencies while enhancing user experience. Additionally, expanded blockchain support, seamless transactions, and global reach define your redefined crypto journey.

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Elevating Your Crypto Experience with Exciting New Features

Welcome to our latest update on Klever Wallet, your trusted companion in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency. Firstly, we’re here to dive deep into the latest advancements. Additionally, we offer a sneak peek into some thrilling new features that are on the horizon.

Advancing with the Times: Enhancements in Klever Wallet

Klever Wallet has been on an incredible journey, continuously evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of our users. With expanded support for major blockchain networks like Solana and Cardano, we’ve broadened our reach, making cryptocurrency more accessible than ever before.

Partnerships that Empower with Klever

Our collaboration with Moonpay has transformed off-ramp transactions, making them smoother and user-centric. Plus, our partnership with Paybis introduces an enhanced ‘Buy Crypto’ feature, further extending our range of services.

Enhancements for Global Reach, Personalized Experience

Klever Wallet now supports 21 languages, thereby truly embracing its global user base. Moreover, the Custom Network feature allows for unparalleled personalization, thus tailoring the wallet to your specific needs.

Quality, User Experience, and Security: Our Top Priorities with New Enhancements

Our commitment to quality, user experience, and security remains unwavering. We’re rolling out weekly updates to tackle bugs and enhance the user experience, striving to make Klever Wallet not just more stable but also more intuitive and secure.

By the Numbers: Impressive Growth and Engagement

Since May 2023, Klever Wallet has seen a significant 45% increase in support for new networks and an astounding 98% crash-free rate since April 2023. Daily and monthly active users have also surged, reflecting the growing trust and satisfaction of our user base.

Introducing New Features: Simplifying Your Crypto Experience

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Streamlined Create Flow

Our revamped Create Flow epitomizes simplicity and speed. From setting a PIN to creating your wallet, we ensure a hassle-free start. Moreover, backup options like iCloud and manual backups add layers of security, giving you peace of mind.

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Referral and Gamification: Adding Fun to Finance

Get ready for an exciting addition to Klever Wallet: Referral and Gamification. Post-event, users will find their referral ID and link right on the Home screen, along with a list of tasks to complete for rewards. This not only enhances user engagement but also adds a fun element to the wallet experience.

Shop Tab: A Glimpse into the Future

The Shop tab, currently in development, will integrate seamlessly into the Klever experience, offering functionalities that we’re thrilled to unveil soon.

Integration with Klever Products: A Seamless Experience

Klever Wallet integrates effortlessly with KleverSafe and KleverChain, thereby providing enhanced security and reliable transactions. Moreover, this ensures a unified and efficient management of assets across all Klever platforms.

Looking Ahead: New Features in 2024 and Beyond

As we gear up for the Klever Developer Conference in 2024, we’re excited to bring groundbreaking enhancements and innovative features. Moreover, these updates will redefine convenience, security, and efficiency in the crypto world.

We Want to Hear From You: Join the Conversation!

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Your thoughts, feedback, and questions are vital to us as we continue to enhance Klever Wallet. Therefore, we believe that the best way to grow and improve is by listening to you, our valued community.

Share Your Klever Feedback and Ideas

Do you have suggestions, ideas, or feedback about Klever Wallet? We’re all ears! Whether it’s a feature you love, something you think we could do better, or a brand-new idea you’d like to see implemented, your input is invaluable in shaping the future of Klever Wallet.

Ask Klever Questions and Get Answers

Got questions? Need clarifications? Our team is ready to answer! Whether it’s about the latest updates, how to use certain features, or anything else Klever Wallet-related, we’re here to provide the answers you need.

Engage with Us on the Klever Wallet Forum

Join us at the Klever Wallet Forum, a dedicated space for all things Klever. Additionally, here you can engage with fellow users, share experiences, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest news and updates.

How to Participate

Once the forum link is available, simply visit and register to become a part of our growing community. It’s a great place to:

Your Voice Matters

At Klever, we’re more than just a wallet – we’re a community. Your engagement and feedback are the driving forces behind our continuous improvement and innovation. So, don’t hesitate to reach out, share your thoughts, and become an active participant in our journey.

We’re excited to hear from you and look forward to seeing you on the Klever Wallet Forum!

Thank you for being part of this journey, and we can’t wait to unveil what we have in store for you!

Learn More or Download Klever Wallet