klever weekly update

Klever Updates have ushered in a new era of convenience and functionality for users across multiple platforms. With the Klever Swap´s Advancements and the successful launch of Swap V2 on Android and iOS, users can now enjoy an enhanced swapping experience.

Alongside these advancements, KleverSafe, Bitcoin.me, Klever Wallet, and KleverChain also are making significant strides, introducing new features, improving existing ones, and expanding their reach within the cryptocurrency space. Stay tuned for more groundbreaking updates as Klever continues to innovate and enhance the user experience across its platforms.

Klever Swap’s Major Advancements

klever swap V2: Klever Swap's Advancements

Swap V2 Launch on Android and iOS

This week marked the successful launch of Klever Swap V2 on both Android and iOS platforms, bringing an enhanced swapping experience to users.

Upcoming Listings and Features

The team is gearing up for the listing of JST, BTT, and USDD. Additionally, the Swap Web is being prepared for release, with new features like a substatus for user transactions and quotations based on “YOU GET” amounts.

Future Listings and Releases

Keep an eye out for SHIB, SAND, and ENJ listings, as well as the much-awaited Swap Web and others Klever Swap’s Advancements!

KleverSafe Progress


New Credit Card Payment System and Online Store Updates

KleverSafe successfully tested its new credit card payment system in a production environment, and crypto payment is now available again on the KleverSafe online store. Additionally, the team has improved the firmware update webpage.

Upcoming Features and Releases

Staking and swapping support for KleverSafe accounts on the K5 Wallet app is being developed, and KleverSafe’s store on Twitter is set to launch soon. Also, partnerships with marketplaces and low power mode support are in the works.

Future Developments

Stay tuned for crypto payments through Nuvei, a new worldwide sale campaign, and KleverSafe’s participation in cryptocurrency-related events.

Bitcoin.me’s Significant Strides


Liquidity Pool and Buy For Stake Improvements

Internal phase tests for the Liquidity Pool were conducted, and enhancements to the Buy For Stake functionality were made. The preparations for Phase 1 of the rebranding were completed.

Releases on the Horizon

The team will release the Liquidity Pool and the rebrand soon.

Exciting Future Deadlines

Look forward to the Liquidity Pool launch, new project listings, trade competitions, and new project releases on Buy For Stake.

Klever Wallet Enhancements

klever wallet

Swap and Claim FPR Updates

The team made swap improvements and hotfixes, and the Claim FPR feature is currently in testing.

UX, Balance, and Send Improvements

Upcoming improvements include UX enhancements, balance screen updates, swap improvements, and send improvements, along with bugfixes throughout the app.

Future Deadlines

Anticipate the launch of TRON Stake 2.0, Moonriver network, Moonbeam network, translations, currencies, Unstoppable Domains klever, and feature suggestions.

KleverChain’s Achievements

API Call Improvements and KApps Architecture Design

KleverChain improved its API calls to support KleverScan, including paginating assets in /account/:address and updating transaction and account counts. The team also designed the new KApps architecture.

Upcoming Enhancements

KleverChain is working on improving the Operator CLI Visualization, creating an example of a game using the Unity SDK, and refactoring Kapp Contracts.

Additional Performance Highlights

Growth in New Addresses and Transactions

KleverScan’s Milestones

Multisign and ITO Pages, and UX Improvements

This week, KleverScan introduced the Multisign and ITO pages, along with various UX enhancements, such as shortcuts on the homepage, a “Sort by” option on asset holders lists, and highlighting transaction fees paid with KDA.

Next Steps for KleverScan

The team is working on a Verify the Signature page, ITOs on the Asset Page, and also improving the search tool to find validators by name.

Future Redesign and Features

KleverScan will be redesigned using the Mobile First Approach, and new features like Multisign Center and a wizard for guiding users on main contracts will be introduced.

From March 20th to March 26th, Klever recorded a 26% growth in new addresses (519 in total) and a 155% growth in transactions (380,651). Dio’s airdrop initiative and the release of SWAP V2 have driven this surge.

Stay tuned for more updates on Klever Swap, KleverSafe, Bitcoin.me, Klever Wallet, KleverScan, and KleverChain, as the team continues to push the boundaries and deliver exciting new features and enhancements for users.