We are thrilled to make an important announcement today. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we announce João Pedro Cruz Lima as Klever’s new CEO.

<a href="Klever CEO JP.html"> <img src="kleverceojp.webp" alt=""> <strong> The image introduces João Pedro Cruz Lima as the new CEO of Klever. The left side features the text "A New Chapter at Klever" and "João Pedro Cruz Lima, Klever CEO" on a white background. The right side displays a black and white portrait of João Pedro Cruz Lima against a purple background, with the Klever logo and the word "Team" above.</strong> </a>

Dear Klever Community,

As we embark on a new chapter, we proudly introduce João Pedro Cruz Lima as Klever’s new CEO. Indeed, a visionary from the start, JP’s appointment reflects his deep commitment and profound understanding of the blockchain industry.

João Pedro’s experience, business acumen, and Dio’s trust position him to lead us into a promising future, guiding us toward innovation, community engagement, and growth.

As we transition into this new era under JP’s guidance, we reaffirm our core values. Furthermore, we look forward to a future enriched with advancements and achievements, driven by the same passion and dedication that have always defined Klever.

Join us in warmly welcoming our new leader. Furthermore, together, let’s build a brighter, more innovative future.

Warm regards,


</p> <p> <img src="jpspaces.webp" alt=""> <strong>The image announces a Klever event titled "Let's Talk Klever" with CEO João Pedro Cruz Lima. It promotes the session "A New Chapter at Klever: JP about Klever future" on December 29 at 2:00 PM UTC. There is a button to join the Klever Talk and the website URL "klever.org" at the bottom. The background features a portrait of João Pedro Cruz Lima and a purple gradient design.</strong> </p> <p>