klever weekly update: User Experience Enhancements across the Klever Ecosystem

We’re excited to share some fantastic updates from our various brands, showcasing our dedication to continuous improvement and our commitment to delivering significant user experience enhancements.

We appreciate your continued support as we work hard to innovate and provide exceptional products and services.

KleverScan: Speed and User Experience Enhancements

Our KleverScan team has been working diligently to improve the speed and user experience of our platform. We’ve updated SDK Contracts, fixed the search bar, and enhanced KleverScan’s speed for an even better user experience. Our upcoming projects include integrating the ITO feature, creating a “create asset” contract wizard, and further boosting performance.

Stay tuned for an even more seamless, mobile-first Kleverscan experience.

Blockchain: Empowering the KleverChain Community

The Blockchain team has been focusing on supporting our KleverChain development community and implementing new features to make the platform even more user-friendly. With improvements like the quotient field on KDA Pool and optimized API calls, engaging with KleverChain is easier than ever.

Get ready for the next level of Kapps architecture and Operator CLI Visualization enhancements.

Bitcoin.me: Preparing for a New Era

The Bitcoin.me team has been hard at work improving order cancellation performance, completing the Buy For Stake development, and developing the Liquidity Pool functionality. We’re also thrilled to announce our upcoming rebranding, as well as the release of Buy For Stake on March 20th.

Keep an eye out for these exciting updates!

KleverSafe: Expanding and Enhancing our Offering

We’re proud to announce DHL API integration for expanded shipping services and the release of a new firmware update webpage. Additionally, our future projects include adding TOTP methods on KleverOS, evaluating KleverSafe support via web browsers in K4, and improving chain and token support.

So, don’t forget to check out our sales campaign for World Consumer Day, starting on March 15th!

kleversafe Consumer Day

KleverSafe is packaged with utmost security and care at the Klever Electronics headquarters and shipped globally with effortless ease.

Klever Wallet: Expanding Horizons and Ensuring Quality

This week, our Klever Wallet team has achieved significant milestones by integrating the Moonbeam and Moonriver networks, adding paid klever domains through Unstoppable Domains, and providing an option for users to suggest ideas or improvements to the app. Furthermore, as we near the final stage of Swap approval, our focus is on ensuring a seamless, bug-free launch experience.

We are preparing the app for the anticipated Swap launch and expanding our services with new networks.

SWAP V2: Stability, Reliability and Enhanced Trading

klever swap

Did you know that our Klever Swap widgets can be customized to align with your branding requirements, making it a breeze to reflect your unique brand identity?

Our SWAP V2 team has achieved significant milestones, such as generating a widget, enabling the BTC network, and improving the trading engine. Also, we’ve tirelessly tested and refined our trading engine to ensure a stable and reliable swap experience on Wallet and Extension.

Expect even more outstanding performance in the near future.

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to sharing more exciting news and achievements in the coming weeks. Stay connected with Klever for the latest updates and developments!