Klever Hackathon 2023

Hackathon 2023

Klever.org is at the forefront of blockchain innovation, with a strong emphasis on user security. So, we’re calling on developers to join us in shaping the future of the decentralized ecosystem. Dive into this exciting journey of Klever Hackathon and contribute your skills, helping create secure and groundbreaking blockchain solutions. Be a part of the transformation and make a lasting impact.

Phase One: Competition (Reward: $250,000)

Event Date Description
Problem Proposal 10/11/2023 (Updated) Share your innovative project idea here.
Product Launch 01/12/2023 Launch a functional product on web platforms, Apple Store, or Google Play Store.
Winner Announcement 30/12/2023 5 Winners. Prizes will be allocated across specified milestones.
Key Performance Indicators: DAU, MAU, Total Transactions on Klever Blockchain.

Any attempt to manipulate or abuse the system, analytics, or generate fraudulent users, transactions, or data will result in immediate disqualification and also, a potential ban from future Klever events.

  1. Compensation: $250,000, disbursed in KLV + KFI tokens.

Prize Milestones:

Milestone Share Date
Milestone 1 25% 30/01/2024
Milestone 2 25% 30/04/2024
Milestone 3 25% 30/07/2024
Milestone 4 25% 30/10/2024

Phase Two: Acceleration (Potential Support: $250,000) 

Top projects will be recommended for potential collaboration with Klever Labs. Successful candidates may then have the opportunity to apply for additional funding, up to $250k, to cover Klever Network fees, based on the achievement of specific milestones.

  1. Live Key Performance Indicators: DAU, MAU, Total Transactions on kleverscan.org.

Phase Three: The Exchange 

Successful projects will be given recommendations for potential listing opportunities with Klever partners, including platforms like Bitcoin.me and Klever Wallet, among others.

Developer Resources

Evaluation Criteria

While points provide a framework for gauging effort and innovation, we will assess every solution on its own merit. Points serve as an internal compass, offering us insights into the dedication of participating teams, but they won’t solely determine a project’s value or potential.

  • Open source and hosted on github.com: 1000 points
  • Project Documentation: 1000 points
  • Validator setup on kleverscan.org: 500 points
  • Token/NFT launch on kleverscan.org: 500 points
  • Staking initiation on kleverscan.org: 500 points
  • Create a KDA Pool: 500 points
  • Early submission by 30/09/2023: Bonus 250 points!
  • Submit projects on date 250 points.
  • Launch project on date 250 points.
  • Daily Twitter promotion (@klever_org & @klever_io): Up to 100 points (min 1k likes, 1k rt or comments, Max: 1 per day)
  • Daily YouTube project content: 100 points/video (Min. 1k views, Max: 1 per day)

Areas of Interest

We’re keen on projects in:

  • Marketplaces
  • Stablecoins
  • CBDC
  • Social Platforms
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Financial Transactions
  • Identity Verification
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Government Services
  • Real Estate
  • Voting
  • Charity
  • Energy
  • Music And Entertainment
  • Intellectual Property
  • Logistics And Operations
  • Land Registration
  • Gaming Industry
  • DeFi
  • NFTs
  • Digital Assets Plataforms
  • Asset Tokenization
  • New Protocols

All powered by Klever Blockchain.

Available SDKs: Tools include Javascript, Typescript, Go, and Unity. For detailed documentation, visit docs.klever.finance.

Dive in and showcase your coding prowess. Let’s redefine blockchain together. Good luck to all participants!

How to Participate in the Klever Hackathon 2023

  • Project Submission

    • Visit the dedicated Hackathon portal at Klever Hackathon 2023.
    • Follow the following guidelines when uploading your project details.
  • Engage with the Community

    • Once you upload your project, you can comment and provide additional insights or updates about your submission.
    • Encourage community interaction! Our platform allows the community to vote on projects, and this can be instrumental in gaining traction and visibility.
  • Considerations for Project Submission

When submitting your project, consider including the following components to enhance clarity and appeal:

  • Problem Statement: Clearly articulate the problem your project addresses. But, why is this challenge significant and relevant in the context of decentralized systems?
  • Solution Overview: Provide a concise description of your solution. How does your project solve the identified problem?
  • Technical Details: Outline the technologies and tools utilized. Additionally, mention any innovative methods or unique elements that differentiate your solution from existing ones.
  • Demo or Prototype: If possible, include a working demo or prototype link. Consequently, this allows evaluators and the community to interact with your project directly.
  • Market Potential: Describe the potential user base and how your solution might scale in the future.
  • Team Overview: Introduce your team members, their roles, and any relevant experience or skills that contribute to the project’s success. Additionally, highlight any unique qualifications or backgrounds that set your team apart.
  • Milestones & Roadmap: Offer a brief timeline, showing any milestones you’ve already achieved and what you’re planning next.
  • Feedback & Questions: Highlight any areas where you’re seeking feedback or have specific questions for the community or evaluators. Additionally, indicate how this input will be used to refine and improve your project.

Key Insights to Share

While not exhaustive, these are some potential insights that can bolster the comprehensiveness of your project submission:

  • User Testimonials: If you have pilot users or beta testers, their feedback can be invaluable.
  • Challenges Faced: Sharing obstacles faced and how you overcame them can demonstrate resilience and adaptability. Additionally, it can provide valuable insights and inspiration to others facing similar challenges.
  • Future Enhancements: Discuss any plans for further development, expansion, or improvement.
  • Collaborations or Partnerships: Mention any existing or desired collaborations that might boost your project’s potential.

Remember, a well-structured submission not only informs but also engages, motivating the community and evaluators to dive deeper into what your project offers.

Terms and Conditions

  • Eligibility: The hackathon is open to individuals aged 18 years or over at the time of entry. Therefore, proof of age, identity, and eligibility may be requested.
  • Team Composition: Teams can consist of up to 5 members. Single-member entries are also accepted.
  • Entry & Submission: All projects must be submitted by the specified deadlines. Otherwise, late submissions will not be considered.
  • Original Work: Participants guarantee their submissions are original, not copied, and do not violate others’ intellectual property rights.
  • Use of Submission: By entering, participants grant Klever.org a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use and promote the submission.
  • Prizes: All monetary prizes will be disbursed in KLV + KFI tokens. So, milestone-based payments are subject to project progress and can be withheld if the project ceases development.
  • Data Protection: We will use all personal data provided by participants solely for the purpose of the hackathon and will not share it with third parties without consent.
  • Judging Criteria: We will judge projects based on the criteria provided. Therefore, the judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding outcomes.
  • Amendments: Klever.org reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions without notice.
  • Liabilities: Klever.org is not responsible for any damage, loss, or injury as a result of participation in this hackathon or receipt and/or use of any prize.
  • Governing Law: The laws of Switzerland will govern and interpret these terms and conditions. Additionally, the courts of Switzerland will have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes.
  • Acceptance: Participation in the hackathon signifies the entrant’s full agreement to these Terms and Conditions.
  • Selection process: Up to 5 projects may be chosen based on their adherence to our criteria. However, the final number will depend on the quality of submissions received.
  • Terms of Participation: Any attempt to manipulate or abuse the system, analytics, or generate fraudulent users, transactions, or data will result in immediate disqualification and a ban from future Klever events. Moreover, such actions undermine the fairness and integrity of the competition.

Professionals, Contractors & Affiliate Exclusion

Professionals, Contractors & Affiliates of Klever.org, its subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, and suppliers, and immediate family members and/or those living in the same household are not eligible to participate in the Klever.org Hackathon 2023. Instead, they will form part of the evaluation and judging teams, ensuring a fair and unbiased assessment of all submissions.