klever - contribute and earn rewards

We’re delighted to present an exclusive opportunity for you to play a crucial role in shaping the future of Klever Wallet. So, recognizing your insights as indispensable, we invite you to contribute to our roadmap towards continuous improvement. Contribute and earn rewards of 100,000 KLV tokens.

Let’s look deeper.

We’re inviting you to make your mark in two exciting areas

Klever Wallet Feature Requests: Ever thought of a feature that would make your Klever Wallet experience even better? If so, this is the moment to voice it out. Navigate to our Feature Requests page and let your creative ideas flow!

Klever Wallet Listings: Are there specific tokens or coins you’d like to see supported in our wallet? If so, we’ve created a space for you to express your desires on the Klever Wallet Listings.

To add to the excitement, we’re offering a generous reward of 100,000 KLV tokens for the top 10 most voted requests on each board! That’s right, your proactive participation could result in an impressive haul of KLV tokens by July 30.

This is more than an invitation to share your voice. It’s a unique opportunity to contribute earn rewards while making impactful contributions. Every vote and every idea has the potential to revolutionize our platform.

So, what are you waiting for? Step up now, shape the future of Klever Wallet, and help us create a platform that is more efficient, user-friendly, and attuned to your needs. We’re all ears and can’t wait to hear your brilliant ideas!

Dive in now: https://community.klever.org/klever-wallet

Disclaimer: We are committed to maintaining the integrity of this voting and feature request process. We emphasize that we will only consider authentic votes and suggestions. Any evidence of unorganic voting, including but not limited to using bots, fraudulent accounts, or any form of manipulation, will result in the disqualification of the associated proposals. We also reserve the right to delete such proposals from our platform.

We encourage you to share your ideas and participate in the voting process honestly. This ensures that the outcome truly reflects the preferences and needs of our genuine Klever Wallet community.